Privacy policy

Refund Policy

Refunds, Return Policy and Procedures

Here at Good Night Gummy, we stand by our product. That is why we offer a happiness guarantee. If by chance you are not satisfied with your Good Night Gummy product, let us know via email, chat or 1-877-551-3988 call at 1-877-551-3988. If you are within the first 30 days from receipt of your order we will honor a full refund of the product.

Please note, orders outside of 30 days or beyond the first order on an account are not able to be returned or refunded.

For eligible returns, the product may be opened, or unopened to receive a refund. Please send your package using a carrier that can provide tracking and insurance. Good Night Gummy is not responsible for items lost or damaged in transit. Once your item has shipped, please email the tracking number for your returned product so we can process your refund in a timely manner. Returned products are to be sent to the following address. The customer is required to pay shipping for the product return. All items are covered under our return policy, as long as they are returned in their original packaging, unopened. Returns will be processed and back to your form of payment within 3-5 days of receipt of product.

Return address:

Good Night Gummy
249 S Hwy 101 #206
Solana Beach, CA 92075 USA